The abrupt shutdown of supply chains ahead of Hurricane Harvey left many chassis out of position.
Motor carriers and beneficial cargo owners (BCOs) say intermodal chassis supply remains tight as supply chains rush to catch up from Hurricane Harvey’s disruption.
Although most chassis in the Houston area escaped damage, widespread flooding in the region and a six-day port shutdown left many chassis out of position while demand has surged since container terminals reopened on Sept. 1.
Port Houston has been handling container ships at a faster-than-usual clip since resuming operations. The port handled 40 container ships in its first two weeks of post-storm operation. Normal ship volume is about 14 per week.
To handle import-export demand, the Bayport and Barbours Cut terminals had full operations on Labor Day, historically a no-work day for the International Longshoremen’s Association, and will be open for trucks this Saturday.
Shippers, carriers, and truckers praised the port authority for quickly reopening its Bayport and Barbours Cut container terminals, but said the influx of ships dropping off imports has caused containers to accumulate at the terminals.
Read more here.